
Saturday, August 24, 2013


We had our Back-to-School-Night this week and the year is off and running!  
Some of you call it "Meet The Teacher" night.  
Chairs are all set out and my PowerPoint (actually I used
Keynote on my MacBook) is all set up.
We had a GREAT turn-out too.
I show a PowerPoint presentation that includes info about me and the curriculum and it is filled with photos of my students.
sheet and hand outs.
Before I show you any more pix of my classroom, I want to tell you about an idea I thought up.
Unfortunately, I thought it up AFTER Back-to-School-Night, but maybe you can benefit from it.  :)
Click on the
image to grab
this goodie.
Imagine this:  It's "Back-to-School-Night" and your classroom is filled with parents.  They take turns approaching you to ask how their child is doing.  You look deeply at their faces searching for a clue, an attribute, anything that might tell you who this parent's child might be.  You might have met them on pre-testing day or on the first day of school, but so much has happened since then that you just can't recall which parent it is.  

So, I got to thinking.  Wouldn't it be nice if the parents wore name tags that included their child's name and photo.  Tonight, I created two types of badges for parents.  One version is in color and the other is in black & while.  There is a place for the child's name and photo.  These would be great for volunteers to ware in your classroom or for Open House.   Just print the apples on card stock, add the students' names, photos, and a T-pin or corsage pin.  

A few more pix of my class:
Here is our Star of The week board.
It begins with me as the star.  
The info sheet.  Yes, I want to be a
grandma when I finally grow up!  :)
That's my kindergarten photo at the top right.  Such a
small class and the moms could stay.  We even had
benches in our class for the moms!

Students complete the info page and display about 4 photos to a 12" X 12" piece of construction paper.
If you have pretty scrapbook paper it works well for the photos.  
(I cut it down to 11" X 11" so we can glue their photo page to their memory book.

Let me know about the special things you do for your Back-to-School-Night.

Palma :)


  1. Love the name tag idea!!! Especially since I call parents so and so's mom or dad forever with apologies.

  2. Glad you like it. I wish I had thought of this BEFORE my Back-to-school-night! I plan to laminate mine so volunteers can wear them in the classroom too. :)
