
Friday, March 8, 2024

What Do The Other Kids Do While I'm Teaching a Small Group?

 I See This Question All The Time. Here is the Answer:

While I'm teaching a small group of students, the other children are working on their "Table Work*" at their tables. (*Meaningful work they can do Independently.)

Here are some examples:

Alpha Chants- Students trace ONLY the letter we are focusing on that day (or week) with a fine-tip marking pen. Then, they glue it to the 6" pocket created by folding a 12"X18" piece of construction paper into a 12"X12" square and stapling the 6" flap at the sides. 
CLICK HERE for the chants.
We use the pocket to make an Alphabet book
that holds all of our other work about this letter. 

Pocket-Lockets- We create a pocket watch or a locket with a hidden high frequency word inside. 
This set comes with Dolch Words and blanks to create your own Pocket-Lockets! 

The 1st time we did this, ALL of the girls wanted to make the locket & ALL of the boys wanted to make the pocket watch, but after that 1st time, they chose a differently every time!

One of the activities from this "All About Numbers" Math Set- (It also comes in 2 smaller sets of #s 1-5 and #s 6-10.) 
ALPHABET PICTURE CARDS & PHONICS PAGES- This set comes with 3 pictures for each sound, but I also put additional pictures from old workbooks or magazines on their tables. Students draw & label 3 pictures. Younger students can cut and paste the graphics included in the set. 
We put the entire page into the pocket we made on Monday. 
CLICK HERE for the set.

Rime Time: (Yes, "rime" instead of "rhyme" because we are working on Onset Rimes.) Student create a spinning word wheel with onset rimes by changing the first letter of each word to create a new word. 

CLICK HERE for the set

These were my "go to" Table Activities, 
but you can substitute 
any independent activity you like. 
You can find more independent activities 
on my TpT Store

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