
Friday, April 20, 2018

Slap Those Sight Words!

So Easy & It's FREE!

This idea is so simple & FREE! 
Just die cut a variety of colorful hands, write sight words on each hand, laminate, and attach to your door. 

 As your class lines up to leave for anything, call out the sight word they should slap.

 Remind them to slap only once and call out different sight words so they don't just copy the student in front of them.

If a student is having difficulty reading sight words, call out the same word you used for the previous child so he/she can simply slap the same word. This will provide practice recognizing the sight word without embarrassing the struggling child. 

You can also find handprints at the dollar store or you can simply use circles, squares, or any shape for your sight words. Students can still slap them even if they are not handprints. 

Those of you familiar with the Houghton Mifflin kindergarten sight words can see that I have mine grouped by trimester.  :)

And here's a game-changer: You can use ESGI to quickly test sight words and print out a set of flash cards for each student with the sight words they have not mastered. I even have my own tests listed on their website which you can download FREE when you sign up for their FREE trial. 

Get a FREE trial that runs through Aug. 31, a free t-shirt, you'll be entered to win an all-expense paid trip to an amazing conference, & qualify for $40 off your 1st year of ESGI. Now, that's amazing!
ESGI will change the way you assess, plan, and provide RTI. 

CLICK the image above to get started.


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