
Saturday, January 28, 2017

My Valentine to YOU is A Valentine's Day Give-Away & a FREEBIE!

It's Time For A Give-Away!!!
Take a look at what you can win !
"Early Years" from DJ Inkers!
It comes in 2 versions: CD or Download.

Click the image.

 and I have made so many of my products with them.
DJ Inkers is giving away an entire set of their 
"Early Years" graphics and fonts 
to one of my lucky readers!

There are over 900 clip art images
including nursery rhymes & characters, kids at play, 
ABCs, 123s, shapes, colored crayons, and dress-up kids! 
And you get all of the graphics in both color and black & white. 

Click the image.

You also get 3 fabulous fonts!
Click the image above. 

Can't wait?
to grab the 
"Early Years" set
Enter my give-away 
to win this awesome set

I even made this little FREEBIE using 
graphics from DJ Inkers Early Years.
It's perfect to use as a center during February!

click the image above. 
This center activity 
comes with 10 cute hearts 
that will help your students 
subitize and match sets of dots 
with their matching numerals.
They also get a chance to trace numerals 
printed with a dotted font.
to grab this FREEBIE.

I also used graphics from 
DJ Inkers "Early Years
to make a cute 
Valentine's Day Subtraction Book 
that is perfect for your students complete 
at your Valentine's Day celebration!

Here is a sample of just some of the pages: 

Click the image above to grab this entire set.

You can grab my newest 
Valentine Take-Home Book

This "Early Years" set 
has become my new favorite set
from DJ Inkers!

Don't miss the DJ Inkers Valentine SALE 
which is going on right now!
CLICK HERE to see their 
Valentine's Day Sale.

Here is your chance 

to enter the contest for 
a Free"Early Years" set 
with 900 graphics and 3 fonts 
all from DJ Inker's
Enter before Feb. 4.


My Rafflecoptor will begin at the stroke of midnight on Jan 28 and the winner will be announced here and on
 KFUNdamental's Facebook page 
on Feb. 4.
Good luck!  :)

The winner was 
Angela Rooney!
Congratulations, Angela, and thank you all for entering!
(Angela, I emailed you.)

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Tennessee, Here We Come!

Pre-Kinder Teachers Are In For A Treat:

Staff Development for Educators is hosting an amazing conference for Pre-K teachers in Franklin, Tennessee this week and I can't wait!
Kathy Griffin, Shannon Samulski, Elizabeth Hall, Sandi Reyes, and I will be sharing our ideas and techniques to make learning more meaningful and fun at the SDE 2017 Conference for Tennessee Pre-Kindergarten Teachers! From foundational skills to classroom management, you will get it all. There will be two amazing keynote addresses plus lots of "Make & Take" sessions with ideas you can immediately use in your Pre-K classrooms. 

And there is a bonus:

Kathy, Shannon, and I will be creating a mini webcast on Tuesday afternoon. I'll post about it on Facebook as soon as I get to the airport. 

Will YOU be in Tennessee with us this week?

Friday, January 13, 2017

This One Is Worth Repeating. "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?"

We Did!!!  

You can leave these snowmen up through January!
And the kids got to "buy" his accessories! 

1st We Shopped...

Each child got the five parts shown in the FREE template.  (FREE template is found near the end of this post.)

Then, they came up to me (2 at a time) to "buy" the parts for their Olaf.  One chile shopped while the other child watched.
I cut out Fun Foam for the coal, the eyebrows, the mouth, and the carrot noses.
The rest of the stuff came from my craft supplies like pom-poms and buttons.

I set out 15 pennies and items from my craft bins which were priced at 1 cent or 2 cents each.

As the first student purchased items, he/she moved their pennies into a can (clank!) and I recorded the items purchased on the receipt.

When done, we placed all purchased items into a zipper sandwich bag along with the receipt.
Each child got their own bag with their purchases and receipt.

I sent the first child to get a new student to come and watch while I let the second child shop.  This way, the child who is watching is all ready to shop and little time is wasted making decisions. 

Then We Got To Build A Snowman...

The following day, I gave each chid their five Olaf parts and they got to put them together any way they liked.  They could even have him holding his head above his body!
They got to arrange their snowman parts first.
Then, they added the parts they bought.

Then, they used white glue to decorate their Olaf. 

I posted them on the bulletin board along with their receipt.

This bulletin board can last through January.  

The eyebrows can make such a difference!
The best part is that they got to use their math skills, but I also liked the fact that no two Olafs were alike!  Everyone got to be creative and construct their own snowman to reflect their own creativity.  
Each one looks different.  
Different eyes.
Different scarves and buttons instead of coal.

We also do this type of shopping with black cats and green monsters at Halloween time to create our "Meow Mall" and "Monster Mall" and again in February to create a "Valentine Shop".  I have more ideas and samples of receipts here:
Click the image above.

Here is your FREE Olaf template:

CLICK HERE or on the image below.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

What Are You Doing For Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day?

2 Years Ago...

We celebrated the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. like this:

We decided to see how many different colors of skin we have in our class.  
Several students helped by placing their hands around a heart that I drew on a piece of construction paper.

They loved doing this and seeing how different we all look, but we are all still so much alike.

Every Year...

I make a point to serve my community by volunteering during MLK weekend. Several years ago, I found myself in Santa Clara, CA on MLK weekend. So, I stopped in at the CA Kindergarten Conference (currently called the PK1 Conference) to see if I could help them set up. I got to hand beautiful samples of children's art all day.
By the end of the day I was convinced that I needed to attend this conference. I had the BEST time learning and shopping! I have been back every year since and I have presented sessions there for last 6 years. 

This year, I'm presenting "Keeping Play In Your Kindergarten Day" and "Mother Goose On The Loose". I can't wait to meet new teachers this year and share my brand new "Make & Take" presentation on teaching with nursery rhymes. Here is a sneak peek:

We will be creating 5 projects out of one paper bag! Here is a sample of one of the projects we will be making. Jack & Jill are attached to a tongue depressor so they can travel up and down the hill. 

You can still register for the PK1 Conference. CLICK HERE for their link. 

Note: "Mother Goose On The Loose" is listed as being presented by Betty Jo Evers.
Ms Evers is unable to present at the conference this year. We will miss her so much, but I have agreed to take her place. 

I'll be giving away a few FREE years of ESGI. Check it out at and sign up for a FREE 60 day trial. Use my code, KFUN, to automatically qualify for $40 off of your first year!
Click the image above.

I'll also be giving away a "Show & Tell Apron" to one lucky winner. You can check out all of the Show & Tell teaching aprons at their website: CLICK HERE.
Click the apron. 

I hope to see you there!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Did You Hear? 2017 News...

Jo-Ann's Is Celebrating Teachers:

From Jan 1-7 teachers get 20% (instead of the regular 15%) at Jo-Ann's Stores!
And they have everything from glue sticks to stickers!  CLICK HERE for more info. 

A FUN Idea:

I covered my front table (you know, the one with my document camera, laptop, and anything I was going to share with my students during "whole group time") with different fabric each month.
I bought about 1-2 yards of fabric to go with each month or theme. My students loved feeling like there was a new feel in the classroom on the first of every month. 
Here is the red checkered picnic themes fabric on my front table.
I was using a portable SMART Board while we were waiting for the permanent one to be installed. 

Some of the fabrics included a red and white gingham fabric to go with my picnic them at the beginning of each school year, a spider web print on black fabric for October, and a "Frozen" snowflake print for January. Of course, the blue fabric with white stars looked great when we studied American National Symbols in Feb. and the illusive leprechaun left a St. Patrick's print for us in March! If you are thinking of doing this, now is the time to grab that fabric while it's 20% off for teachers! 
I also used the fabric as a background for their monthly photo that I put in their memory books. The first photo of the year was just a headshot. Other photos included the students dressed in their Halloween costumes for October, wearing a ski cap & scarf in January, or holding one of our baby ducklings or chicks in May. 
Just pin the fabric up and take photos in front of it. 

Start 2017 By Following Me & Grab Your FREEBIES: