
Thursday, January 28, 2016

It's A GREAT Day for Science & to grab this GREAT FREEBIE!

Do you love science as much as I do?

Click the image to grab your FREEBIE.

Then, you are going to want to catch my Science presentation at The SDE Conference for Oklahoma Pre-Kindergarten Teachers in Norman, Oklahoma on Feb. 2. 

Click the map for more information about this conference.

I'll also be presenting on Language Arts, Math, and Play 
at this Pre-K Conference
 on February 1.
CLICK HERE for more information.

What? You don't live in Oklahoma? Well, fear not, you can still download my FREE 
Scientific Method Signs
Click to grab your FREEBIE. 

They were created with kid-friendly language so they are perfect for your littlest learners.

Click to grab your FREEBIE.

They are bright and colorful, so they will look amazing up in your classroom.
And they aren't just cute signs. They can be used during lessons to reinforce the 
scientific method all year long.

Click to grab your FREEBIE.

Enjoy this FREEBIE
and leave me a note in the comments if you will be at my 
Science Hands-on "Make & Take" session 
in Oklahoma!

Friday, January 15, 2016

This is the PERFECT Time of Year To...

... get inspired, motivated, and excited about teaching!

And what better way to do that than to attend a conference?
I have several exciting conferences coming up. Will one of them be in your state?
Check out the line up at the Conference for Oklahoma Kindergarten Teachers Feb. 1-2:

It is sure to be one of the BEST conferences of the year!
When you attend a conference, you get to 
see, touch, and photograph 
so many great ideas!

This is the perfect time to find the inspiration you need to finish out this school year with a bang.
Discover new ideas, projects, and techniques that will get your students where they need to be in no time! 

So, what are you waiting for?

Attend one of these conference and you will start your day off with a big spoonful of motivation, a pinch of inspiration, and a handful or two of laughs and giggles as you attend sessions and "Make & Take" workshops with some of the most energetic speakers. They will make you think, laugh, and inspire you to make the rest of this school year your best one ever. You will leave with a smile on your face and the recipe that will empower you to make a difference in this changing world one child at a time!

Join me at one of the following conferences:

I will be in Santa Clara, CA at the PK1 conference THIS WEEKEND, Jan. 15-18.
CLICK the image for more information. (They take "walk-ins")
Click the image to get more info.

From Feb. 1 - 2, I'll be in Norman, Oklahoma at the Pre-Kindergarten Teachers'  Conference:

Click the image for more info.

And I'll also be at the Kindergarten Conference:
Click the image for more info.

After Oklahoma, I'm off to Austin, Texas for The Kindergarten Conference and The Pre-K Conference Feb. 22-23.  CLICK the images for more info.
Then, Feb. 29 (Did you know this year was a leap year?) and March 1 I'll be in
Madison, Wisconsin for their Kindergarten Conference.  CLICK the image for more info.

Click the image for more info.

I'll return to Pasadena, CA just in time for the So CA Kindergarten Conference March 4-5.  CLICK the image for more info.

Click the image for more info.

On April 7-8 I'll be in Hamilton, Ontario. That's in Canada! I better dust off my passport! CLICK the image for more info about The Ontario Full Day Kindergarten Conference
I'm super excited to be presenting in Orlando, FL, June 29 - July 1 at the SDE National Conference: Reading, Writing, Math, & More.  CLICK HERE for more info. 

And also the National I Teach 1st Conference in Las Vegas, NV July 18-22!  CLICK HERE for more info. 

So many conferences to choose from!
Let me know if you'll be at one of them. 
I'll post more in a few weeks. 

Thursday, January 7, 2016

13 Lucky Winners on 13 Days!

We are giving away...

$250 in FREE products from some amazing bloggers PLUS iPads, an iPad Kiosk with matching chairs, and 13 FREE licenses for ESGI, oh my!

See the Rafflecopter below to enter.
And you know how much I LOVE ESGI!
I have blogged about it before because it changed my life!
Seriously, it made testing my students a breeze, it provided so much useful data, and
best of all my students actually begged to be tested!
You can learn more about how ESGI helped to save me hours each week by

Keep on reading...
The Krayon Kiosk is an engaging, secure iPad stand filled with apps for early education
along with access to web-based subscription learning programs.
Interested to learn more? Follow this link to Aridan book and use promo code ESGI30 to save 30%.
Each day, you can win a FREE YEAR of ESGI and
$50 worth of products from the blogger of the day!
Can you imagine all that you can purchase with $50 from their stores?!?
And once you have tried ESGI, you won't EVER want to teach without it. 

Click the image above to register for your FREE 60 day trial
and get a $40 credit applied to your account which is good for your 1st year!
(No credit card required to sign up for your FREE trial.)
If you have already registers with ESGI for a free trial, 
you don't need to register again. 
You can just use your ESGI username to enter the Rafflecopter.

But, if you are new to ESGI, 
please register first at: 
enter the code:
while registering for your FREE 60 day trial.
(No credit card required to sign up for your FREE trial.)

You can enter by clicking on the Rafflecopter below beginning Jan. 9.
The winners for KFUNdamentals' store will be announced on Saturday, Jan. 16.Click the image above to sign up for your FREE 60 day trial.
Here is all you have to do:

Step 1:  Submit an active ESGI Username.

(When you sign up for your FREE trial, you will create a USERNAME & PASSWORD.
Head back to the Rafflecopter, enter your USERNAME, and BAM, you're eligible for this incredible give-away! If you have an ESGI account already, sweet, go ahead and enter your USERNAME in the Rafflecopter! Once you've entered your USERNAME, you are entered for EACH DAYS' RAFFLE!)

Step 2:  Earn extra points for commenting.
(All you have to do is hop from this blog to all the blogs listed below, leave a comment on one of their blog posts, and then you can check off "I commented" i the Rafflecopter.
Each blog that you comment on will earn you extra points. There are 13 bloggers participating, so you can get up to 13 extra points if you visit every blog & leave a comment!
Make sure you comment though, because they do check!)

You only need to enter once to be eligible for each day's prize!

Be sure to sign up at ESGI and enter the code KFUN.
Then, starting on Jan. 9, you may enter the Rafflecopter below.


And here is the list of all of the bloggers & their blogs:

Day 1 Winner - January 9th: 

Kinder Gals/Kim Adsit -

Day 2 Winner - January 10th: 

Sharing Kindergarten/Mary Amoson -

Day 3 Winner - January 11th: 

HeidiSongs/Heidi Butkus -

Day 4 Winner - January 12th: 

Kindergarten Kiosk/Kathy Crane -

Day 5 Winner - January 13th: 

Smart Kids/Jayne Gammons -

Day 6 Winner - January 14th: 

Mrs. Jump's Class/Deanna Jump -

Day 7 Winner - January 15th: 

Pre-K Pages/Vanessa Levin -

Day 8 Winner - January 16th: KFundamentals/Palma Lindsay -

Day 9 Winner - January 17th: 

Differentiated Kindergarten/Marsha McGuire -

Day 10 Winner - January 18th: 

Kreative in Kinder/Crystal Radke -

Day 11 Winner - January 19th: 

Kindergarten Smorgasboard/
Greg Smedley-Warren -

Day 12 Winner - January 20th: 

Mrs. Wills' Kindergarten/Deedee Wills -

Day 13 Winner - January 21st: 

Aridan Books -

This is sure to be a GREAT give-away!.