
Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Autumn FUN!

Looking For Some Autumn Classroom FUN? 

How about some Math FUN with Sum Spiders?
Click the image above.

Your students will LOVE creating sums from 2-10 with Sum Spiders!
Just add any type of counters. I used spider rings (I cut off the rings and just used the plastic spiders.)
Click the image above.

Students toss their counters (I used plastic spiders) onto the web template. Students write the of spiders that landed on the web first. Then, they write the number of spiders that didn't touch the web at all to create their equations. 
Click the image above.

to view this set. 

How about some Number Sense Fun?
Here is a Halloween themed counting book. 

Students copy the color words on the blank lines and color the images to match. 
Click the image above.

This set creates a 9-page book that ends with this page.
Click the image above.

to view this set.

Have you ever thought of teaching about the concept of "characters" using Halloween costumes? Check out this template where students fill in the blanks with character that are really just their friends dressed up for Halloween. 
Click the image above.

Add the extra pages that come in this set and have your students copy the very first character at the bottom of the last page to create a Circle Book that goes right back to the beginning every time you get to the end!
Click the image above. 

You will find so many more FUN learning activities in my TpT store.
to discover more like my "Let's Go Shopping" pack which has a cute black cat that your students can decorate with items they pretend to purchase from the Meow Mall. It's the perfect way to make math FuN!


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