
Sunday, December 30, 2018

It's Finally Here... It's Humpty Dumpty's Sight Words!!!

Can YOU put them back together again?

I have been asked so many times to create these.
Well, I finally had the time! It's a GR8 way to teach and reinforce the 40 pre-primer Dolch Words!
Click Humpty Dumpty!

How it works:
If you don't have any parent volunteers who can make this, try recruiting 6th grade helpers for 15 minutes each week to come into your classroom and do tasks like this one...

Step 1:  Copy the Humpty Dumpty Sight Word Cards on regular copy paper or cardstock for a lasting center activity.
Click Humpty Dumpty!

Step 2: Cut apart the Humpty Dumpty Sight cards on the solid lines. Then, cut along the vertical dotted lines for each word. Keep all of the pieces for each word together.
Click on any Humpty Dumpty!

Click on the broken Humpty Dumpty!

Step 3: Number each sight word on the back of each vertical strip, so if word # 1 is "big" then number the back of each letter with a #1 and also label the plastic egg you will store those pieces in with a #1. 
Click the image.

Step 4: Fold each vertical strip up to the horizontal dotted line twice so it hides Humpty Dumpty and only the letters are showing.
Click the image.

Step 5: Place the pieces for each word in the plastic egg with the matching number. 

That's it. You're done! Now comes the fun...

In a small group setting, give each child a plastic egg to open. Without unfolding the strips, they should arrange the letters to create a sight word. If they arranged the letters correctly, Humpty Dumpty will be "back together again!"
Click Humpty Dumpty!

And, did I mention that you get an adorable color copy of the poem, Humpty Dumpty? And it is complete with the cutest graphics and fonts from DJ Inkers:
Click Humpty Dumpty!
You can grab the entire set of 40 Humpty Dumpties with the 1st 40 Dolch Sight Words 

~When learning a new sight word, give each child a "reference card" with the word they are trying to create printed on it. 

~When practicing sight words, give each child a combination of familiar words and newly introduced words.

~When using this as intervention, give the child an egg containing a word they have not been able to master. After they create the word, they should copy it with marking pens or build it out of Play Dough or Wiki Stix. 

~To keep track of which sight words each child has mastered and which ones they have not, use ESGI. If you have not tried ESGI yet, do yourself a favor. It's a game changer!

You can give it try for 60 days FREE (no credit card is required) with NO strings attached. If you LOVE it, here is a code to use that will give you $40 off of your 1st year. The code is "KFUN" and it never expires! 
to get started. 

Have fun!

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Are YOU Ready for 12 Days of Holiday FUN + a Give-away?

12 "Holly Daze" of the Cutest Clipart + More:

The Give-away for 
The FREE Set of DJ Inkers 
is below.

Get ready for DJ Inker’s annual 12 Holly Daze SALE!!!  
That’s 12 delightful days full of fabulous flash SALES, 
new products,
 and holiday smiles
from DJ Inkers.  :)

The fun begins at 12:00am EST 
on Saturday December 1, 2018.  
But remember… each holly day lasts for just 24 hours!  

Join DJ Inkers' email newsletter list 
for daily reminders, and you won’t miss a thing…  

I Love to Create with DJ Inkers...

That is why I use their clipart and fonts so often.
And, I LOVE to make learning FUN, so I created a fun math activity using their newest set:
to see the entire set and grab one for yourself. 
Click the image above.

 It's called "The Llama Pajama Shop" and students get to "buy" the parts to help their llama get dressed for bed. 

Click the image above to see the set.
Now, we all know that llamas don't wear pajamas, but they can wear warm blankets, cuddly scarves, and soft nightcaps. 
And they might also like toys like a stuffed cactus, an aloe plant, or just some surprise presents. I also included some decorations like flowers and tassels! Just follow the easy directions and your students will be "shopping" and using their mental math, problem solving, and decision making skills! 
It's easy! 
So much FUN! 
And No Prob-llama!

Do you want to start creating with 
DJ Inkers Clipart?
Enter below to win this huge 
(a $39.99 value 
that includes 698 graphics & 2 fonts!)
Click the image above for more info about this set from DJ Inkers.

Winner will be announced here and on 
KFUNdamentals' Facebook Page
on Dec. 8. 
And the winner is...

Congratulations, Karen!
I have emailed you.