
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Thanksgiving is over, but you can still...

... use it to teach sight words and numerals!

Here are 3 ways to transition from Nov. to Dec.

#1. Thanksgiving Sight Words & Numerals:

1. Give each child a lined card with the word "see" on it and the numerals 1-5.

2. Give each child a copy of my Thanksgiving Counting Book.
Click the image to see this book. 

3. Students fill in the word "see" on each page, count the objects, and fill in the correct numerals.

This is a GREAT book to take home and read to their family too!

But That's Not All:

No, that's not all. 
#2.  I also made a Christmas Counting Book: 
Click the image to see this book. 

This book is filled with sight words for your students to learn and read as they count the objects and fill in the numerals 1-10. 

BONUS: Did I mention that ALL of the products in my TpT store are on sale through Nov. 29 and if you use the code CYBER2016, you can even save an extra 10% which will bring your savings to 28%!

#3.  Seasonal Writing Prompts:

Now that your students have just experienced Thanksgiving, you might also like to use the Thanksgiving writing prompt included in my Month-to-Month Writing pack

You get loads of other prompts that integrate science, social studies, and math with language arts. 

The Thanksgiving page looks like this:
Click the image to see the entire set of writing prompts. 

And the December page looks like this:

Click the image to see the entire set of writing prompts. 

And you can also make an entire math lesson around this question with my Class Graph Icons:  (So, I guess that's really 4 ideas!)
Click the image to see the set of icons. 

So have fun as you transition from Nov. to Dec. and remember to keep the FUN in the Fundamentals!  

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Trust Me, I Just Don't Need Another Mug!

This Idea Is Just Too Good!

So, how many teacher coffee mugs do you own? And I bet you just don't need another, right?
Try this idea to help make this holiday season the best for you AND your students:

My Big Idea:

I ask my room mom to send home a note to my students' parents telling them that instead of going through all of the fuss of shopping for a holiday present for their child's teacher, all they need to do this year is help send their child's teacher to an SDE Conference which will directly impact their child's education in a positive way! 

The letter should simply request that they send your room mother any amount of money to cover the cost of a one or two day conference. A typical donation of $10 each for a class of 26 students pays for  an entire day of learning for the teacher. You might also want to see if your PTA will sponsor the second day.

Upcoming Conferences:

Click the image for more info.

Here is a conference scheduled for Dec 8-9 in Hot Springs, Arkansas that has a fabulous line-up of presenters:

Julie Lee
Julie Lee
Julie has been a kindergarten teacher for 10 years. Her creative approach to teaching inspires hands on lessons that are kid friendly, engaging, and fun, and she enjoys creating unique activities that reach students on multiple levels. Julie is the author of the blog Mrs. Lee's KinderKids, where she loves sharing innovative teaching ideas with other teachers. 
Palma Lindsay
Palma Lindsay
Palma is a kindergarten teacher who has stayed on the cutting-edge of educational research and technology throughout her 37-year classroom career. She has taught grades K through 8, serves as a mentor to new teachers, and shares her fun ideas in her innovative blog, "KFUNdamentals." Her sessions are jam-packed with new and fresh ways to keep the FUN in the FUNdamentals. 
Pat Pavelka
Pat Pavelka
Pat is an exciting classroom innovator and speaker with more than 35 years of experience as a teacher and national education consultant. She consistently earns high marks for her creative strategies, straight-forward style, and real-life answers to challenging issues. Pat is also the author of a variety of popular professional books, including "Reading Standards for Literature," available in three volumes: K, 1, and 2. 
Crystal Radke
Crystal Radke
Crystal Radke is a Texas educator with a degree in Early Childhood Education. She has worn many hats in private and public education for the past 12 years but has taught kindergarten for the last seven, which is where her heart is. She enjoys developing curriculum to keep learning and fun alive in the early childhood classroom. She is the author of the blog, Kreative in Kinder
Greg Smedley-Warren
Greg Smedley-Warren
Greg has been a teacher for 10 years, and the last seven years he has spent in his favorite place—the kindergarten classroom. Previously, he taught for two years in Ecuador where he was named Outstanding Future Educator. He shares with teachers tons of ideas for making the classroom experience bright, happy, and hands-on for little ones in his blog, "The Kindergarten Smorgasboard." 
Dan St. Romain
Dan is a national educational consultant who is passionate about helping educators shift their perspective on behavior and the best ways to provide support given the challenges posed in today's classroom. He presents on topics impacting school climate, brain-based instruction, developmentally appropriate educational practices and presentation skills. Currently, as a behavior consultant for a school district, he works directly with students and supports staff. He is author of the books "Ten Simple Songs for Better Behavior in the Classroom" and "How Are You Feelin', Juan Pablo Chameleon?"

I hope you have a 
GREAT Thanksgiving 
and that you get to attend an 
SDE Conference soon!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

November FUN!

Nov. Fun:

Start off with this fun counting book that is great for introducing your students to the academic vocabulary associated with Thanksgiving. CLICK HERE

I use these calendar templates with my TK and K students.

Each month, my class makes a calendar.  They trace the dotted font, create an AB color pattern on the dates, and create a FUN calendar topper.

The pumpkin spice is drying on the 3 blobs of glue at the top of the pie.

This month, we made a pumpkin pie to go on the top half of our calendar.  The FUN part was when we sprinkled Pumpkin Spice on the pie. 

We just placed 3 dots of glue on the pie vents and sprinkles some Pumpkin Spice on the glue so our pumpkin pie will smell spicy when we take it home.

You can find my calendar templates by clicking RIGHT HERE.  You get a set with some numbers in a dotted font (the amount of numbers in a dotted font increases each month) and a set with blank date boxes.  

Click the calendar.

Click the calendar.

Find some more FUN on my: